My Story
From as long as I can remember I wanted to be a concertizing pianist. I would dream of the day I was on stage, loved by everyone playing Rachmoninoff. I entered college ready to take on the music world.
Then came That Day. The day I stood outside a practice room door listening to another pianist while my dreams crumbled to dust around me. I was forced to realize I had not been taught the technical and performing skills needed to be on the classical stage.
I didn't walk away from the piano, I ran as fast and far away as I could get from my music and my piano feeling like I had been cheated and lied to.
Fast forward 8 years and I was drawn back to my music, but this time to the teaching side of piano. That day I promised to give my students everything they would need to accomplish anything they wanted to with their music.
Thus started my journey-through years of teachers, school, self study and a life devoted to being the best piano/music teacher I could be. I would seek out teachers with the best students and study pedagogy and performance from them.
Then came the pain.
Pain in my back,neck, arms, elbows, and hands that were all caused by bad habits that were developed in the old days and again, I wanted to stop playing. I realized though that If I couldn't play without pain, how could I teach my students to do so?
Finding my last wonderful amazing piano coach I began to rebuild my technique and was able to achieve in performance and teaching a level I only had dreamed of. This led me to being known as a teacher who was able to “fix” the technical issues of piano students.
But then came the next problem. TIME. There was never enough time in the lesson to get through all of the content I needed to cover.
I began to wonder…..
-What if I could be with my students each time they practiced?
-What if there was a way to cover everything in a lesson?
-What if there was a way to spend time on what skills needed extra work?
-What if there was a way for a student to get help technically without taking all the lesson time?
By creating videos such as Technique Skill videos showing exactly what to do, a student can practice each day watching and relistening to instruction instead of just once at lessons then forgetting when they get home.
In Lesson Videos a student can get reminded each day of how to practice and what is required.
How to Practice Videos can aid the student in correct practice skills that advance as the student advances.
The Music Workbook download gives the student a foundation of beginning music theory
The once a week lesson with the written lesson instructions (which students never read) can be replaced with visual and aural instruction that they can play through every time they practice. This will increase the speed in which they progress and also their level of proficiency.
If a student and/or parent will review the videos frequently then it will help reduce the time spent practicing incorrectly and reduce time spent working on fixing practice errors that result in bad habits.
Best of all, when life gets crazy with sickness or other activities the lessons can be done at any time instead of a set weekly time that cannot be made up.
If this sounds like the type of piano lessons that would work for your student and family, or if you have played piano and are experiencing pain and discomfort on the piano bench please reach out to me at ascensionpianostudio.com to book a call and we can talk further. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Book a call, lets have a conversation to see if this is a program for you or your child